Featured in New York Living: Re-inventing Home

Shakespeare Gordon Vlado Architects is excited to announce that one of our projects will be featured in an upcoming book, New York Living: Re-Inventing Home by Paul Gunther, Gay Giordano and Charles Davey.
Our 10th Street house is on the cover! The book features a host of contemporary homes throughout New York and will be released by Rizzoli on April 11, 2017. You can pre-order a copy here.
Read the synopsis below for more information:
What does a home look like in twenty-first-century New York? While the city’s name alone brings to mind very specific ideas—the Fifth Avenue penthouse, with its elegant moldings and crystal chandeliers; the SoHo loft, with its bright spaces and air of bohemian ease; the Brooklyn brownstone, with its fireplaces, parquet floors, and lush backyards—the truth is, New York today is much more than this, and the potential for variety in ways of living is, now more than ever, virtually limitless. As a result, in the twenty-first century, the combined design professions enjoy an unprecedented menu of prospective solutions, whether based upon respect for a classically inflected New York past, an emphatic denial of such a tradition, or, most often, some hybrid response that often yields the best innovation possible.